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Parity Generation Exercise

Use the 3-Bit Odd Function circuits and XOR gates to create a circuit that has as its input eight data bits and computes a ninth even-parity bit. (The seven-bit parity circuit is useful for ASCII; the circuit of this exercise is useful for eight-bit codes such as ISO Latin-1.)

You can place an "encapsulated" 3-Bit Odd Function circuit in the workspace using the "Embed Macro" button, which is marked with an unlabelled IC symbol and is near the center of the middle toolbar. This is an abstract view of the circuit examined in detail earlier.

Use four 3-Bit Odd Function circuits to make a parity checker for the circuit above. Wire the parity generator and parity checker together and try various combinations of input. (Since you don't expect parity errors, you don't expect error indications at the final output.)

Last updated: 2016-02-06 14:23