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Sum-of-Products Example with Sequence Generators

This is the same circuit as the one above. The difference is that instead of interactive inputs, the circuit has three sequence generators that cycle through all the values of the input truth table. To see the sequence produced by a sequence generator, right-click the generator and select edit sequence. Generator A produces the bits from the A column of the truth table, namely 00001111. Generator B produces 00110011. Generator C produces 01010101. (It's possible to wire up a 3-bit generator using a clock and counters, but that makes it hard to see how the circuit is built.)

The text next to each generator and LED symbol was added by right-clicking and selecting text.

With the circuit running, select tools... logic history window... to see a graph of the input and output levels. For your own circuits, to add a signal to the Logic History Window, right-click on a generator, interactive input, or LED, and select Add to logic history.

Last updated: 2016-02-06 14:20