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Postfix Notation

Bob Brown
Information Technology Department
College of Computing and Software Engineering
Kennesaw State University
Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Bob Brown

Abstract: A description with animated examples of using postfix notation, also called reverse polish notation or RPN, to evaluate algebraic expressions.

Every student of computer science should understand the concept of postfix notation and the use of stacks. For students of computer architecture this postfix notation mini-lecture is really an aside to show you how mind-bogglingly useful the concept of a stack is. It doesn't make any difference whether the stack is implemented in hardware and supported by the microarchitecture or simulated using an array and totally a creation of the high-level language programmer.

At some point in your career you will be asked to write a program that can interpret an expression in a notation similar to that of algebra. Getting something like (A+B)/(C-D) right can seem like a daunting task, especially when you are asked to write code that will interpret any valid expression. It turns out to be surprisingly easy if the problem is decomposed into two steps: translation to postfix notation and evaluation of the postfix notation expression. This is not a new idea... it was described by Donald Knuth in 1962 and he was writing a history! The stack algorithm illustrated below was described by Edsgar W. Dijkstra in 1961.

Postfix Notation

Postfix notation is a way of writing algebraic expressions without the use of parentheses or rules of operator precedence. The expression above would be written as AB+CD-/ in postfix notation. (Don't panic! We'll explain this in a moment.) Postfix notation had its beginnings in the work of Jan Łukasiewicz speaker icon (1878-1956), a Polish logician, mathematician, and philosopher. Łukasiewicz developed a parenthesis-free prefix notation that came to be called Polish notation and a postfix notation now called Reverse Polish Notation or RPN. From these ideas, Charles Hamblin developed a postfix notation for use in computers. Łukasiewicz's work dates from about 1920. Hamblin's work on postfix notation was in the mid-1950's. Calculators, notably those from Hewlett-Packard, used various postfix formats beginning in the 1960s.

In this mini-lecture we will use variables represented by single letters and operators represented by single characters. Things are more complicated in real life. Variables have names composed of many characters and some operators, like ** for exponentiation, require more than a single character. However, we can make these simplifications without loss of generality.

In our simplified examples, each variable is represented by a single letter and each operator by a single character. These are called tokens. In a more complex implementation, your program would still scan a series of tokens, but they would likely be pointers into symbol tables, constant pools, and procedure calls for operators.

Evaluating Postfix Notation


Evaluating an expression in postfix notation is trivially easy if you use a stack. The postfix expression to be evaluated is scanned from left to right. Variables or constants are pushed onto the stack. When an operator is encountered, the indicated action is performed using the top elements of the stack, and the result replaces the operands on the stack.

Let's do an example using the postfix expression AB+CD-/. In order to see what's going on as the expression is evaluated, we will substitute numbers for the variables. The expression to be evaluated becomes 9 7 + 5 3 - /. This is equivalent to (9 + 7) / (5 - 3) so we expect the answer to be eight. Click the "Go" button at the right to see an animation showing the evaluation of the expression.

You will see the expression scanned from left to right. A yellow highlight shows the term currently being scanned. The digits in the expression are pushed onto the stack and the operators are performed.

Experiment with the animation until you are sure you understand what's going on.

Now that you see how easy it is to evaluate an expression that's in RPN form, you will want to convert ordinary infix expressions to RPN so that you can evaluate them. That turns out to be easy, too, if you use a stack.

Converting Infix to Postfix


We know that the infix expression (A+B)/(C-D) is equivalent to the postfix expression AB+CD-/. Let's convert the former to the latter.

We have to know the rules of operator precedence in order to convert infix to postfix. The operations + and - have the same precedence. Multiplication and division, which we will represent as * and / also have equal precedence, but both have higher precedence than + and -. These are the same rules you learned in high school.

We place a "terminating symbol" after the infix expression to serve as a marker that we have reached the end of the expression. We also push this symbol onto the stack.

After that, the expression is processed according to the following rules:

Click the "go" button on the animation to see how (A+B)/(C-D) is transformed to the postfix expression AB+CD-/. You can use "reset" and "go" to run the animation several times.

When an infix expression has been converted to postfix, the variables are in the same order. However, the operators have been reordered so that they are executed in order of precedence.

Understanding Table 5-21 in Tanenbaum

The rules expressed as a list in the previous section are shown in a nice, unambiguous table in Structured Computer Organization by Andrew Tanenbaum and Todd Austin (2013). Unfortunately, for some students the "train" analogy used by Tanenbaum and Austin gets in the way of seeing how to use this table. Here is the material from Tanenbaum and Austin presented in terms of a stack rather than with the train analogy. The "scan pointer" is a way of keeping track of which token in the input expression is being examined. It is analogous to the yellow highlight in the animation.

Figure 5-21 from Tanenbaum and Austin (2013). Find the symbol at the top of the stack on the left and the symbol being scanned across the top. The action to take is indicated by the number at the intersection of the row and column.

Cite this paper as:

Brown, B., (2001). Postfix Notation Mini-Lecture. Retrieved on from:

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Dijkstra, Edsgar W. (1961), "Algol 60 translation: An algol 60 translator for the x1 and making a translator for algol 60," Mathematisch Centrum Report MR 34/61.

Knuth, Donald E. (1962), "A History of Writing Compilers," Computers and Automation, December, 1962, reprinted in Pollock, Barry W., ed. Compiler Techniques, Auerbach Publishers, 1972.

Tanenbaum, Andrew S. and Todd Austin (2013), Structured Computer Organization, Prentice-Hall. (Earlier editions contain the same discussion.)

Further Reading

You can find a short biographical article about Łukasiewicz in the Wikipedia and another biographical article at the University of St. Andrews. These links will open new windows.

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Jan Łukasiewicz's name is pronounced "yahn woo-ka-shay-vitch", give or take some North American ideas of how Latin letters sound. The speaker icon provides a recorded pronounciation by a native speaker of Polish, courtesy of

Last updated: 2016-05-06 13:15  
Originally published: